09 August 2007


It’s been quite awhile since I last updated this part of the blog. Here is a Korean gentleman who, for some odd reason, has captured my attention. The body is near perfect but the face is not what many would consider outstanding. However, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it’s my eye, there’s no room for complaints.

I asked a Korean friend of mine to translate the name 임윤창 and he came back with Yim Yun Chahng; I assume that's his name. If any of you out there know if this is correct, let me know.

I LOVE this shot! He’s sooo cute here!

01 December 2006

Tricia Helfer

Earlier I mentioned the new Battlestar Galactica series and its "eye candy." This time I thought I'd change the pace just a little.

Our first Cylon; Number Six

Tricia Helfer was not my favorite when the show began. It wasn't until I saw an interview with her that I really warmed up to her; what a cool lady.

She is definitely a very beautiful woman; I love her eyes in these shots.

Looks good as a brunette doesn't she?

Artistic Skin

And gratuitous skin

Winter Wonderland

Since December is synonymous with snow (at least in the higher altitudes and latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere), I thought I'd devote one of this month's slots to it.

Morris Mendez

I'd love to go biking with this guy... and who wouldn't want a spot from him at the gym?

"Oh, I can barely get this 5lb dumbbell up, could you please spot me? Thanks!"

Some nice artistic shots... and that's got to be one of the best shaped asses I've seen in a long time.

And in celebration of the holiday season,
here’s a nice present to unwrap...
oh wait, looks like he’s already unwrapped.