01 September 2006

Hidetada Yamagishi (山岸秀匡)


Hidetada Yamagishi (山岸秀匡) is a Japanese bodybuilder. He's not had the best of luck in recent competitions, but hey, he's got more muscle than I'll ever be able to pack on my frame.

A friend asked me once what size I wanted to obtain at the gym; I'd have to say that this guy has pretty much what I'd love to build up to. However, since I currently do not spend more than an hour each day I hit the gym, I doubt that I'll look like this anytime soon.

Not only does he have a great physique, but he's quite handsome as well. It would be interesting to meet Hidetada (though I don't speak Japanese) and see if he's as likable as his mugs make him appear to be.

Unfortunately for all you guys and gals out there, I think he's married.

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